Development of a digital system to assist shock responsive social security system decision making
DanChurchAid (DCA) Nepal, Koshi Victim Society (KVS)
Start Date
October, 2022
End Date
November , 2022

The overall objective of the project was to provide technical support in developing a web application that links humanitarian cash assistance with the SRSP at Saptakoshi Municipality, Saptari. The  project focuses on a risk informed financing mechanism based on “Piggybacking Shock Responsive Social Protection” to integrate humanitarian cash assistance within the state’s “Social Protection System”. In the project, four broad dimensions representing the physical, economic, social and natural hazard aspects were  identified and used to assess the Household Level Vulnerability Index. A mobile based data collection tool was used to collect the datasets while the web based application did all computations automatically and generated household level vulnerability index.

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Development of Web Based Risk Assessment Platform
Practical Action Nepal, World Bank
Start Date
End Date
November , 2022

NAXA was awarded with Innovation Grant from the World Bank in which the technical team worked closely with Practical Action Consulting Nepal for the development of  a web based risk assessment tools through the development of analytical model(s) to use readily available open data sources (including open geospatial mapping) and open computing resources, to inform its disaster risk assessments and preparedness strategies in two selected urban municipalities (Rajapur, Tikapur) and two selected rural municipalities (Bitthadchir, Budiganga) in Nepal.

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NAXA developed a Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Tool which is a digital system consisting of a mobile application that allows field enumerators to collect and submit household level datasets from the field and a web application that analyzes these datasets and categorizes each household into high, medium and low risk categories.

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NAXA in close coordination with its DRR research partner Institute of Himalayan Risk Reduction, aimed to help provide actionable information to the vulnerable communities based on the household vulnerability and capacity so that anticipatory actions can be planned for early preparedness and response against disasters. It involves the development of a digital system that can automatically categorize households into three major risk categories: Red=Highly Risk, Amber=Moderate Risk, and Green=Low Risk based on the datasets collected from the field using a digital data collection tool. The team conducted VCA and incorporated the data in an analysis of household level vulnerability. The system focuses on optimal integration of gender-sensitive CBLEWS and HDPRP.

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Household Level Risk Assessment Tool – A Digital System for Evidence Based-Decision Support to plan effective Risk Financing Strategies
Plan International Nepal , Hands Nepal
Start Date
October, 2022
End Date

NAXA has been awarded the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center’s (ADPC) Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC) 2021 Grant in the thematic area: Risk Financing Solutions. NAXA is developing a software system that comprises customizable toolkits capable of assessing household-level vulnerability and risk factors (using a mobile application and a web application) based on custom criteria and a wide range of parameters set up as per local settings in Bheemdatt Municipality of Kanchanpur District. The system will be capable of visualizing both the aggregation and disaggregation of collected data into a web portal. The portal will provide both spatial and attributes visualization of household vulnerability and risk, thus serving as a decision-making tool for the government or humanitarian agencies in evidence-based risk financing. In addition, Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) can be auto-generated from the system for each house to be used during emergency situations.The project was implemented in ward 12 & 13 of Bheemdatta Municipality of Farwest Province of Nepal for evidence-based decision support to plan effective risk financing strategies. This project is the recipient of Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC): Innovations for Climate Adaptation and Resilience challenge organized by ADPC, Thailand. The CIC aims to crowdsource innovative and disruptive technology solutions from around the world for resilience in South Asia. The program for Asia Resilience to Climate Change was a trust fund administered by the World Bank and funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

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